Liz looks back at 2020, and identifies key factors of Luton Foodbank's success

As I reflect upon the past year, it’s clear to me that our society has changed, and will continue to do so.

The pandemic has brought a greater awareness of the need for food banks. Previously, many people thought food banks were only for the unemployed. However, as food-bank use has risen, more people are realising that many of us are only a pay cheque away from poverty.

Despite considerable support from the community of Luton, we have had to buy food to bolster our stocks. Due to panic buying, we had to travel far and wide to maintain food availability for those that desperately needed our help. This is why we are asking for money during our winter campaign.

A time of crisis can really test the local community, but Luton showed positive spirit, with many people volunteering their time whilst they were furloughed. Volunteers are highly appreciated members of our team. With their help, we were able to keep our warehouse and delivery processes running smoothly. The pandemic brings a lot of uncertainty, but with the help of our volunteers we were there when people needed help most.

When Luton Foodbank first started, we hoped we would be redundant in five years. Sadly, Luton Foodbank will remain essential for the foreseeable future. However, we are fortunate that the town of Luton and the many people who support us truly have a community spirit.

Our success lies in...

  • the generosity of many friends, organisations, faith groups, small and large businesses, schools and colleges fundraising in various ways to help our cause
  • Foodbank employees who work hard to ensure we give the best service possible
  • Our board members who fly the Foodbank flag and perform endless activities to keep us going
  • And last but not least the people of Luton who all pull together to ensure that no-one goes hungry

We are deeply thankful for everyone's continued support.

Please, keep up your great work.

Liz Stringer, November 2020


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