Our aims
  • To eradicate food poverty in Luton
  • To support people so that they can take steps to overcome the problems that brought them to us
Our principles
  • Luton Foodbank is run entirely for the benefit of people in and around Luton who need emergency food
  • We make no profit
  • We are not be aligned to any faith group
  • We are non-judgemental
Our status
  • Luton Foodbank is exempt from registration with the Charity Commission because it is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Luton Foodbank is a registered society  (Number 031847R) under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014. This means that it operates to benefit the community, and prohibits any distribution of assets or profits to members.

  • Luton Food Bank is a charity, approved by HMRC from 11th February 2014. (Number EW24901)

  • Luton Foodbank Ltd is registered at Companies House. (Number IP03187)


We provide
  • free, nutritionally balanced, and culturally appropriate food to people in hardship or distress who are referred by a network of partner agencies
  • signposting information to local advice and information services
We promote
  • healthy eating
  • local opportunities for food growing
  • the development of a community food purchasing scheme
  • co-operative working
  • social cohesion
  • the principles of Fair Trade
How it works
  • Non-perishable food is donated at collection points across the town
  • Volunteers take the food to our warehouse and sort it into boxes which provide enough for one person for up to three days
  • People needing food are given a voucher by front-line professional agencies such as Luton Advice Network, Age Concern, children’s centres, mental health charities, etc
  • These referral agencies also offer immediate advice on dealing with the problems leading to the visit
  • Clients present their vouchers at one of the many distribution points across Luton
  • Our advisors can give information on who to contact about problems with rent, debt, benefits, and more.
  • We log usage patterns to identify individuals with recurring problems who may need further help